Friday, January 11, 2008


Wellll I didn't go to work again today. I dunno, I just felt like I needed more vacation. And I needed to hit up some sales today. Actually, on all of Mouffetard and Italie 2, I only bought two things -- a pair of shoes for 15 euros marked down from 45, and newsprint umbrella (that I am obsessed with now). In fact, I bought it at this cheapie souvenir store and the woman had her little assistant-guy show me how to use it so I could get my "permit de parapluie" (umbrella license). It was bizarre but funny at the same time. I saw some stuff I liked on Mouffetard but none of it was on sale, so it can wait. Basically I just want a hat, another scarf, and a short, semi-lightweight jacket for the Spring. I kept meaning to get one during the fall but I had no money and by the time I got around to it, it was winter. But this week has been like 50 degrees everyday. I can't believe I consider that warm now. Any time I can go outside with two layers on is a miracle.
In other indulgence news, I have extended my 24 jaunt to London for the Spice the whole weekend. Tee. So instead of waking up early on Saturday to fly home, I changed my flight to Sunday afternoon so I can go back to Oxford with Matt. This also means I'll be missing some time to write my De Gaulle paper, but Matt has suggested doing research at the Exeter library on Saturday. Yeah, we'll see how that goes.
Anyway, it is beyond time to go to bed. A bientôt, Paris!

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