Saturday, October 13, 2007


So, my friends, last night I went to the gym for the first time in exactly. . .(wait for it). . .45 days. That is more than four times the longest amount of time I had gone without working out in over three years. Basically, it was atrocious and I'm so glad it's over. In addition, I am in love with my gym I think. It's not absolutely perfect because they don't have Precor ellipticals (stop snickering), but they have nice, sorta new Life Fitness cardio machines, and like 200 new Life Fitness weight machines. The other issue is that they don't have a stretching/floorwork area, but I'm sort of used to it after two years at the highway-robbery scam that is Fitness USA. Anyway, I just staked out a little spot on the floor in the weight room. I feel weird taking my shoes off to stretch because the French have weird ideas about hygiene (Speedo mandatory in the pool, toilet seat covers not) and I don't want to offend anyone. The elliptical they have is kind of awkward and on a weird axis or whatever, but I made it work. Oh and there was the conundrum of lockers. I bought this itty bitty key-padlock cuz I couldn't find a combo one when I was shopping. So then there's an itty bitty key on and itty bitty keychain. So where do I keep the key when I'm working out. I couldn't put it in my shirt because it would fall if I moved too much, and I didn't have the forethought to put it on a safety pin or something. So what did I do? I attached the itty bitty key chain to my belly button ring. Har. Perfect storage spot.

So, other than that, it is the weekend again and I have some time to breathe. But not too much because I need to figure out what xeroxing needs to be done for my job this week while the printing store is still open. And maybe figure out why I can't send a fax on my fax machine. Fax machines are so dumb, especially this ghetto piece of shit. Anyway, I'm going to post something on These Words now, so go look over there.

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